Friday, August 9, 2024

The dog house

5:45 am. There is a scratch at the door. Elder and younger sister have heard that we're having breakfast and have shown up looking for tickles and biscuits. They invite themselves in. It is clear they consider this to be a 'dog' house and therefore an extension of their personal territory.

One of those sun one minute, rain the next, type of days. In fact we seem to get all four seasons in the space of our half an hour walk on the beach.  The good news is that there are hundred and hundreds of young gulls down on the shoreline busily practising their flying technique.

To the bookstore to pick up a copy of John Updikes ' Memories of the Ford Administration'. It's still in print but has had to be ordered. It seems there is little demand for Updike outside term time. 'The Font' is not surprised.

Updike in hand we backtrack to the chapel for the start of day organ recital. This mornings organ scholar has chosen a very English piece of music . Not a tune you hear in Scotland very often - if at all. The smattering of golfers and surprised Chinese tourists seem to enjoy it :

A new ice cream outlet has opened up in tiny hole in a wall premises near our physiotherapist. Folks are sitting outside drinking breakfast coffee and eating breakfast ice creams. Angus considers eating ice cream, in public,  prior to eleven  to be the hallmark of a civilisation in decline.  Another - worrying - sign I'm not so much turning into my father as turning into my grandfather. The new ice cream store has a sign outside saying it sells ' Fresh Italian ice cream'. How would you know ? It also sells candy floss.


WFT Nobby said...

This English resident of NE Scotland enjoyed hearing Jerusalem this morning.

jabblog said...

How nice to have visiting dogs! Breakfast ice cream is far too decadent.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hmmm... ice cream and candy floss? I give that pop-up shop about two weeks... maybe three. Then again, students... Enjoyed the rant on adverbial abuse. YAM xx

Anonymous said...

You would know, because they told you.

I used to be a commercial lawyer, and trained young commercial lawyers. It was always, IMO, important in a contract, to say who would do a thing, and not just that it would be done. I would return drafts and tell the young people to eschew the passive voice. I have yet to meet one who knew what the passive voice was, without googling it. (See third link)

Coppa's girl said...

Puppy and her sister have certainly decided that your home is theirs too, How long before they decide to move in permanently?
Not sure about ice cream for breakfast!

Travel said...

Lucky dogs know where they are loved.

Anonymous said...

Does Angus have an active list of books to be read or is it more
a spontaneous endeavor? I enjoy the visits to your bookstore and any commentary on a thriving bookseller anywhere. Also love any mention of Puppy and family. (MS Nell)

10NISNE1 said...

It never gets old seeing Puppy and her sister!

Stephanie said...

Yes, it's always cheering to see Puppy and Noreen. That's a grandly dramatic picture of sky and sea. I'm interested to know if you enjoy the Updike; I've not read him in years.

Jake of Florida said...

Love seeing your visitors. Haven't read Updike in ages. His Rabbit books were favorites at one time. But I knew nothing of the one you're reading now. Let us know what you think please.

Barbara said...

I read all Updike's novels (at the time) when I was in my twenties. Dipped into one recently and came to the conclusion his fiction may not have aged that well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your wee corner of the world with us!!!