Saturday, August 24, 2024

Pirouetting birds


I'd thought the swallows had all gone but in the late afternoon a dozen or so show up in the garden. We stand and watch them roll, whirl and gyrate above us. After ten minutes they wheel and head south flying low above the wheat fields. We're now, just, into our third year here and these regular village visitors are almost family. Both of us quietly thank them for this private - and spectacular -  end of season show. 

Outside the kitchen window the sparrow flock are busy pecking at the bird seed 'The Font' has sprinkled on the grass. I thought there were 30 chicks in the latest brood but it's probably closer to 50.

In town a young gull has figured out that there's food inside Tescos.

Every so often it darts towards the sliding exit doors. It gets a little closer each time before prudence kicks in. I'd reckon that by tomorrow it will have summoned up the courage to venture inside.

The souvenir shop ( it claims to be a Craft Shop but 'Craft' is clearly an extremely elastic term ) has some skull goblets in the window. Who ( eight year old males excepted ) would buy them ? Why would anyone think they're even vaguely Scottish ?  As we ponder these questions our attention turns to an ever so slightly unnerving owl that has taken pride of place in the middle of the window display.

The range of plastic Loch Ness monsters on offer seems to be ever widening. It is unlikely that the stern lady golfers are going to be the target audience for these. They may, however, be taken with a  sweat shirt with the words  'Ambitious and Cunning' emblazoned across it.

This weekend is a nationwide bank holiday. That ,added to the crowds already here for the last two days of the golf tournament , means that the town is bursting at the seams. After eight in the morning parking becomes impossible. Tonight there is a 'concert' :  Goldman Sachs baseball caps are much in evidence.


jabblog said...

We save at least three copies of data!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Ahhh, Angus, you clearly haven't clocked that the shops are gearing up for Halloween, hence the skulls and rather poor Harry Potter inspired window dressing... The owl toy meant to be Hedwig, methinks. Even worse, I spotted the earliest of Christmas offerings in Lanark yesterday!!? YAM xx

Stephanie said...

Your descriptions of wildlife are always a pleasure to read. I can't imagine an occasion that might tempt me to wear an "Ambitious and Cunning" sweatshirt.

Travel said...

I know one 50 year old who would buy the skull mug, my one and only cousin.

Coppa's girl said...

Perhaps someone in Tesco will bring the young gull a packet of birdseed - I'm sure they must sell it. Just to save it having to queue at the checkout.

Anonymous said...

It’s a Slytherin sweatshirt. You can see it says SLYTHERIN in all caps above it. Not saying I would wear it, though.

Jake of Florida said...

We had to say goodbye to our Joey yesterday. Five years since we rescued him at 13 with his crazy underbite and foxie love of mischief. At 18 his hearing and eyesight were diminished but not his terrier spirit. The screaming silence of our house now, deprived of its furry heart and soul.

Angus said...

Jake of F - We're so, so sorry to hear about Joey. A home without a dog has an unnatural chaos free calmness. Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

So very sad to hear this Jake of FL. I'm sure you gave him the best 5 years of his life.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

How strange...this is Jake of Fl, not anonymous

Stephanie said...

I'm so very sorry about dear Joey.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Jake of Florida you and Joey were so fortunate to have found each other. I am sorry for your heartbreaking loss.

WFT Nobby said...

Sad news about Joey, but it's good to know that his fox terrier spirit stayed intact right to the end of his long life. Condolences to all his family.
Gail x