Thursday, August 1, 2024



It's insanely early but the sun is already out and so are the golfers.

We try to park by the links but a gentleman in a day glo yellow vest bangs aggressively on the car roof and announces " Ye canny park there. It's fur Aygwoe ". 'Aygwoe' it transpires is the AIG Womens Open or , as seen on the yellow parking signs that have suddenly sprouted everywhere , AIGWO.

All of ten yards away we find an Aygwoe approved parking spot opposite the hotel that had the lead stolen from its roof. Angus mutters about 'officialdom'. A good grumble cheers him up considerably. We head off for a coffee. This morning the golfers gender balance is evenly split. Usually it's 95% male but today a large crowd of slim American ladies are standing around waiting for their tee off time. They have a steely determination to them that hints this is no 'friendly' golf tournament. In recent weeks a medium sized town of marquees and bleachers has sprung up to cater for them. A fleet of large Mercedes saloons - some black other silver - are dropping more of their number off at the course entrance. All have AIGWO decals on their front doors.  Seems that golf is BIG business.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
All 'sport' is nothing but business nowadays... YAM xx

Travel said...

That should keep the town busy for a few days.

Coppa's girl said...

That's a beautiful day you have there, perfect for a long walk on the beach, maybe with puppy for company.