A fine sunrise this morning.

Progress is being made towards getting the EV charging point installed in the garage. Last week the electricians put in a new distribution board. Why this was necessary remains an £800 mystery. The electricians put it down to fear of 'tripping'. Yesterday, a man showed up to put in a smart meter. He was one of those ' I'm nae sure this will work out here in the countryside ' type of men. In some tradespeople hope does not spring eternal. Now we have to wait for the third and most challenging step - the delivery and installation of the charging point. The date for this remains resolutely vague. 'It will be with you sometime in the next three weeks' the voice on the other end of the phone has reassured us ... for the last seven weeks. I point this out to the salesperson who promises to 'escalate' the matter. We have some wiggle room as delivery of the car has been delayed until October due to 'production issues '. The garage is unforthcoming about what the 'production issues ' might be.
The fun fair left town last night. The rides and stalls all packed up in the space of eight hours. The beach empty except for Archie the arthritic labrador being taken for a walk. Archies owner is currently in the midst of packing her younger daughter off to university in Korea. Mother wants to accompany the daughter to see her 'safely' settled in. Daughter is completely relaxed about the thought of starting her studies abroad and adamantly refuses this offer of help. They have agreed that mother will go out for Easter. The girls mother seems almost as stressed as the mothers of the village toddlers who start nursery school in a couple of weeks.
I'm now wondering which 'big reveal' will come first - new car or new dog?
The daughter off to Korea, so confident and absolutely refusing offers of parental help, very much reminds me of my eighteen year old self!
Cheers, Gail (who is not sure whether to commit to the Death of Protestant Britain video...).
WFT - The 1st 5 minutes of the video probably tells you as much as you need to know about changes in Scotland
Your photos of the beach and landscape start my day out right. Keep it up!
Beautiful sunrise. These days, mothers, and fathers, find it very difficult to let their children go. Thank goodness most manage to escape and continue to mature.
Loved the video of the puppies and how fast they were learning and even though falling off were determined to get back up.
Gail I think Nobby would enjoy the puppy video.
Full EV or plug in hybrid? Puppy video was great.
Jim D - Plug in
I have a nephew who is a regional manager for a charging point provider, 3,000 miles away.
Thank you sir for the answer, good choice.
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