Friday, December 25, 2020

A Christmas Day Adeste Fidelis

The village C-A-T-S have been attracted by the light of the Christmas candle that's been burning outside the front door through the night. There are three of them asleep on the door step as we set off on our start of day walk. Sophie sees them and howls. Peace on earth and Christmas goodwill  are not concepts that extend to these feline interlopers. The family diva ensures the garden is safe. She goes left. The C-A-T-S go right. Sophie is convinced she's done a great job of chasing them. I don't disillusion her.

It's suddenly turned cold. A bitter wind running in from the Atlantic. Sophie with her thick coat is oblivious to the weather.  In fact from the spring in her step I'd say this is perfect PON weather.

After breakfast a  quick trip to the river while it's still quiet. 

After thirty minutes of exploring ditches and verges Sophie has developed a 'frizzed up and mud caked ' aura. Time to head home. The world may be in varying degrees of lockdown but the PONettes spirits are soaring. There will be turkey, sprouts and gravy.

A Merry Christmas to all readers who have struggled through this somewhat dull and repetitive  pandemic blog .This year 'a little village where nothing ever happens' has literally been 'a little village where nothing ever happens'. Having a dog has been a reminder that despite the gloom there is still excitement to be had and mischief to be found .... and created. 

 And here as music to cook by  are three more variants of socially distanced carols:

A jaunty , socially distanced , Adeste Fidelis from Germany :

And an equally socially distanced and ever so slightly mask muffled Minuit Chretien from Canada :

And a clever use of technology :


Fay said...

Your "nothing ever happens" has been a delight, as well as a good deal more interesting that our own "nothing [good] ever happens" in SE USA in 2020. (Or let's say, we'd like to forget what has happened in SE USA in 2020, at least outside our own home). I have always loved Minuit Chretien, and the Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul, in Montreal, is a favorite of mine. Merry Christmas to you and yours. /Fay

WFT Nobby said...

Gail and Bertie have loved this blog as much as ever, perhaps even more so, during this difficult year, and send thanks and blessings to all at the ROF. Merry Christmas!

Lisa in France said...

Never a struggle, always something to look forward to each day - just look at that smile on Sophie!

suej said...

Very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to you Angus, The Font and Sophie. And thank you for sharing your life with us. At the moment, a world "where nothing ever happens" is a delightful thought.

Coppa's girl said...

Angus, your blog has lifted us and delighted us throughout the year - thank you. We look forward to more tales from the village where "nothing ever happens", and stories about our favourite diva.
Hope you are having an enjoyable day and there are even sausages too!

Tigger's Mum said...

We second Coppa's Girl - your blog this year is a beautifully written island of normality, kind thoughts, gentle progress, generous spirit, and 'staying calm and carrying on'. Something reliable when the only other we can rely on is unpredictability. Have a warm and loving Christmas, and best wishes for a less history-making 2021.😸⭐

Duke said...

Merry Christmas to all!

E Snook said...

Merry Christmas to Sophie, the Font and Angus. We look forward to the day when croissants and cakes reappear but in the meantime a lovely house, a diva dog, interesting neighbours, and French landscapes are plenty to make an interesting blog. It’s astonishing how many years I have been reading it—just slightly less time than Gail’s blog, which we found because we too had a Westie called Hamish (now sadly departed). All best wishes for a safe 2021 from our rainy and weirdly warm part of Canada.

Ruth S said...

Happy Christmas Angus,The Font (go on,you must reveal her name one day ����) and Sophie. Really enjoy checking out what you've posted each day, finding out what goes on in your quiet part of France is interesting. Hope you all enjoy your day, from a very sunny,
but cold Nottinghamshire x

Susan said...

Thank you for sharing all year. I love hearing what happens where nothing ever happens, it's a bright and happy read every morning where most else is crazy. Merry Christmas to you all!

Maudie said...

Merry Christmas! Thank you, thank you for the moments of quietude which accompany reading your blog at the start of each day. Wishing you good health and much cheer in the New Year.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I echo all the above... yours is one my 'anchor blogs' and I am so grateful for its presence. Much Love from this wee corner of the Bonny Land to all at the ROF and its village. YAM xx

Iza said...

Merry Christmas!

Bentley said...

Merry Christmas and a Verry Happy and safe New Year. Thank you for sharing your little village it is just what is needed in a pandemic. It brings peace and happiness to me.

10NISNE1 said...

Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to all!

mom said...

Thank you for your wonderful blog. I have followed for about three years and enjoy it so much. Having recently lost our Scottie, Jack, Sophie provides joyous moments. And, love all the book and music recommendations.
Merry Christmas from Ann Arbor, Michigan.
And wishing all a wonderful 2021!

rottrover said...

To all residents of the ROF, and to the community of readers I meet each day, a very Merry Christmas. I am so grateful for my daily visit to your village.

-Lisa, in Los Angeles

Marian said...

Merry Christmas from Kalispell Montana. Thanks for your blog. Have followed the doggies for many years now.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Thank you seems so little to say for the joy you bring to us each and every day. Merry Christmas to you Angus, ‘The Font’, and Sophie Deva! Also Merry Christmas to your readers from around the world. I feel as though I know each of them personally!

Judi said...

Happy Holidays to all at the ROF. I can't imagine not starting my day with your blog. Blessings to all from Kansas City, MO from Judi and Scotties Teddy and Gracie