Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas Carol # 10.

Sunday starts off bright but chill. Every half an hour or so a squall storms down from the mountains and subjects us to short, sharp downpours. Then, after a minute or two,  the sun comes out again. On our morning walk we find that a fourth reindeer has joined the other three on the village green. I have a feeling that by the time Christmas is here the herd will have continued to grow . The deputy mayor has retired and is taking a course on traditional French village crafts. He was responsible for the outbreak of scarecrows during the summer.  Log reindeers are his latest thing.

The overnight rain has caused the stream to double ( triple ? ) in size.  The gentle murmur of the waterfall replaced by an angry grumble as the water rushes over the rocks. Sophie approaches the water and then looks back at me with that unmistakable ' Is this alright ?' look on her face. She gingerly edges down to the stream, takes two quick gulps, and then reverses slowly back up. I congratulate her on her prudence.

 'The Font' usually is keen on all things Swedish. This might be a tad too adventurous ... or cold :

Off to Costa Rica for Christmas Carol '10. Coming from the Franz Liszt School I expected something different but this is certainly a tribute to the patience of all primary school teachers and the  irrepressible enthusiasm of their charges.  :


Teena and Lala said...

That water looks tasty Sophie Pon. Well, Lala thinks so.
Cold water immersion is supposed to be very good but it's not quite at the top of my list of healthy things to try.
Have a great day.

Coppa's girl said...

Log reindeers? Oh dear, whatever next? One hopes the new mayor will curb his enthusiasm before too long.
Sadly unable to see the photos of the arcticbath website. My internet providers are trying to flog fibre optics and are now restricting internet access in the area, but I'm not buying! In spite of complaining they are trying to convince me that the fault is my end, which it's not. Now looking for another provider, so for a while I'm have to put up with no photos at times.
That said at least I can still see Sophie, and quite understand her reluctance to venture further into the "rapids"!

WFT Nobby said...

The dessert pictured on the Artic Bath website does look appealing.

Ranger said...

I just love dos raindeers. Dey would be fun to race around dem.