Thursday, October 21, 2021

Easily written.

Sophie was given a thorough grooming yesterday. You'd never know it. She was also given a mud removing face wash. How easily that last sentence is written. How difficult it was to put into practice. There was much squirming and a variety of new and experimental 'unhappiness' noises.

A trip to the river followed by a long search in the grass verges for badgers poo can run riot with a girls hair. Sophie adopts a ' Who cares ?' attitude to such details.

The weather forecast called for rain and gale force winds. It turns out to be sunny and is now expected to reach 28 degrees later in the day. Usually we're the only ones on the cafe terrace but this morning there's a smattering of brave souls enjoying this last, late taste of summer.

Todays croissant is more than passable but lacks the 'zing' factor. I'd reckon it's been out of the oven for a good hour and has started to lose some of that je ne sais quoi of croissant excellence. I'd give it a 7.9/10. Sophie is, as always, a more positive judge of croissant quality.  She gives it 12/10 for taste but 1/10 for serving size. In a better ordered world the entire croissant, and not just the curly ends, would appear in front of her. There's always hope for tomorrow. 



WFT Nobby said...

Sophie's "who cares?" attitude to the styling of her abundant PON locks is one of many many reasons why we all love her so.

Lisa in France said...

Yes, Sophie does exude confidence in her own inner beauty. She may not fully appreciate the efforts of Angus and the Font to keep her free of painful knots and mats. Double coats are challenging.

Coppa's girl said...

According to Inca, Sophie should not complain too much about home grooming. This morning has been more than somewhat traumatic for Inca. She has been to a professional groomers and abandoned there to suffer a fate worse than builders with no Jaffa cakes! Abandoned for a whole hour to the tender mercies of a bath, blow dry, and all sorts of orifices given a good clean! Such indignity for an old lady! It cost a very reasonable 25:99€, (our vet's groomer charges 60€!) so I think she'll be a fairly regular visitor. However, the new collar looks good!

Travel said...

Sophie is comfortable in her own fur, we should all be. She did say, if you are unhappy with the croissant, she will be glad to take care of it for you.

rottrover said...

Sophie, the curly ends are my favorite part of the croissant! I think you are a lucky gal!