A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
The German billionaires are doing work at the chateau. At first light Monsieur Bozo, the drainage engineer, rumbles through the village on a large yellow mechanical digger. It seems our neighbours are putting in a new septic tank in their planned 'yoga' centre. Sophie peers out of the front door to see what all the commotion is about. Yesterday, the family dive stood on her hind legs at the gate and barked at the post lady. That is a sure sign that she is well on the road to recovery.
Black and white C-A-T has returned to sleeping on the woodpile in the barn. On her start of day tour of the garden Sophie remains completely oblivious to the presence of this feline interloper directly above her. Perhaps it's time for the fur over her eyes to be trimmed ? Black and white C-A-T peers down at Sophie with a comingled look of disdain and boredom on its face.
They played this Swedish song on the Toulouse radio station this morning. Sophie and her companion listened to it with the volume up and the windows down en route to the bakers for curly croissant ends. It's starting to heat up - mid 20's forecast for later today : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGf6QFB_rEI
Hasn't the German billionaire run out of projects yet? A septic tank in a 'yoga centre' seems a tad extreme, unless the centre is to be opened to the 67 souls in the village. I wonder if all these additions are just a tax scam, or he's been watching too many episodes of "Escape to the Chateau"? Isn't it today that Sophie returns to the vet for a check up?
Here they understand that any hearing aid is only as good as its materials. That's why they work with only the best material suppliers in the industry, ensuring each client receives the highest quality of service.
Something seems wrong about having 'yoga centre' and 'septic tank' in the same sentence.
Hasn't the German billionaire run out of projects yet? A septic tank in a 'yoga centre' seems a tad extreme, unless the centre is to be opened to the 67 souls in the village. I wonder if all these additions are just a tax scam, or he's been watching too many episodes of "Escape to the Chateau"?
Isn't it today that Sophie returns to the vet for a check up?
Hari OM
Thanks for the little burst of energetic music for my mid-morning cuppa, Angus. If I were but 40 years younger...
(Yes, I was wondering about Sophie's check up too...) YAM xx
Such a sweet lady!
Barking at the post lady is a glorious thing for Angus to hear!
Here they understand that any hearing aid is only as good as its materials. That's why they work with only the best material suppliers in the industry, ensuring each client receives the highest quality of service.
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