Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Finding its feet.

We're out in the garden at first light. Sophie's stomach is still unsettled with all the medication so Angus is attuned to any sounds that indicate an 'urgent' trip outside is needed. At this time in the morning the moon and Venus are gently dipping below the horizon. We stop and listen as the dawn chorus swells into a crescendo. 

Later, when the sun is up, Sophie gets given a yogurt pot to lick. She settles down in the courtyard to enjoy it .

Sophie is really much better after last weeks shock. We're back to having a morning walk together. The family diva follows me across the village green to open up the church. Today, the horses are studiously ignored.

As are the onion farmer and his wife.

We do however have a lengthy drink from the stream. This seems to please Sophie no end.

When we get home she settles into a contented sleep. There's nothing like the restoration of favoured routines to make a sheepdog girl happy.

How IKEA uses psychology to get you to buy more :https://thehustle.co/how-ikea-tricks-you-into-buying-more-stuff/amp/


WFT Nobby said...

What a relief to have the daily routine restored. Happy here too.

Coppa's girl said...

So pleased to see that all is well in Sophie's world. Hope the drink from the stream won't cause her any problems.

suej said...

So good to see Sophie on the mend.

Travel said...

Not just the sheepdog,

Tink said...

So pleased her routine is restored - ours too! Great news..

Diaday said...

I think someone else is happy to be back to a favoured routine. By the way, your wisteria is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

In that first photo, Sophie really does have that look of someone taking stock of their ordinary everyday life and finding it good. I'm so glad things worked out this way.

Pam in NH said...

Looking good, little lady!

Jake of Florida said...

So happy Sophie can again engage in her routines with you . As my Joey has liver concerns too, I'm curious as to what your vet thinks caused Sophie's dramatic escalation of values. Happy too about the election returns...perhaps except for your own small sample.

Donna Finnell said...

I'm so happy to see Sophie recovering. I've said prayers for her and both pet people nightly. I can't imagine starting a morning without being able to check in on my ponette friend.

rottrover said...

Sophie, we're glad you're feeling better!