Tuesday, April 5, 2022


The snow has gone but winter hasn't quite given up. It is decidedly 'fresh' this morning. Ideal PON weather. Sophie knows that cold river water is THE best water to drink.

Sophie wanders by the side of the river lost in the pursuit of intriguing riverine scents. Then she stands and glares at a cormorant . 

At the cafe the PONette is greeted by the full, day-glo orange suited, municipal refuse team.  All eight of them. She considers going to sniff the refuse trucks tyres but opts to head directly to the bakery counter. This girl understands her priorities.

This mornings croissant a 7.6/10.

So starts another day in a small French village where nothing ever happens. With the state of the world I can't help but think that living somewhere where nothing ever happens is a great gift.

On the way home we pass the noticeboard with all the election posters. Someone has torn the Presidents poster in half. To begin with I think the wind might have done it but closer examination shows the tear is remarkably even. Give it a few more days and the village tikes will be out and about drawing moustaches on the remaining candidates pictures.

'The Font' who appears at the breakfast table showered and refreshed informs me that the water seems to have been cut off. Sure enough the taps make a strangulated, dry, gurgling noise. This has never happened before. Calls will now be  made. Angus hopes to have a shower ...soon.

From France Musique - which is a civilized way to start the day :https://youtu.be/MXJvaeAZvSg


WFT Nobby said...

Such a tranquil scene by the river. How I wish the same could be said for the rest of Europe right now.

Coppa's girl said...

After all the rain we've had this winter, the dry gurgling noise from our taps is not something we'd expect to hear for the foreseeable future!
Living somewhere where nothing happens is to be cherished.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I wish I could send some of the water hitting the Hutch's window right now for Angus to use as he wishes. The howling wind is optional. YAM xx

Travel said...

Sophie can lead you to water.

Diaday said...

Nothing better than a big slurp of cold river water to start the day! Your life in a small French village with a loyal dog is a gift. Thank you for sharing a part of your day.