A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
5:30 am. Angus comes downstairs to talk to serious folks in LA. At this hour of the morning the family diva is sound asleep. She pulls herself up onto her haunches and gives me a look that makes it quite clear what she thinks of this change in her routine. Sophie has many ways of communicating. Most of them non-verbal.
It's been windy overnight. A real humdinger of an Atlantic storm has thundered in from the Bay of Biscay. This morning the peonies are looking decidedly battered. The wisteria over the front door seems to have survived .... just.
The daffodils are now coming to an end. Tulips replacing them. The year is moving along a with a Thelma and Louise like speed and recklessness. Sophie finds a large hedgehog under an oak tree. She knows that hedgehog spines are prickly so she alerts me to its presence by emitting the PON 'howl'.
So starts a Tuesday morning in deepest, deepest France profonde. The Old Farmer will be going into the market town for his Easter shopping later today. He expects to pass the 700,000 km in the venerable Mercedes en route.
Nothing is impossible with the old Mercedes as Mecedes around the world have a grill badge reward offer (perhaps get the old farmer to apply) for Mercs over 155,000 miles, with various extra badges up to to 1,000,000 miles. Their highest confirmed vechile so far has 2.8 million miles! https://www.benzworld.org/threads/award-for-high-mileage-mercedes.1260879/#post-1882909
Peonies, tulips, and now the wisteria coming into flower. How I love spring in the ROF garden. And how I wish that Nobby too was sound asleep at 5:30 am...
Your description of the year as moving recklessly reminded me of the Chinese Zodiac, where the Year of the Boar is supposed to be marked by recklessness. The Boar is the last year in the twelve-year cycle, and he is racing towards the end. Fortunately (I hope), this is the Year of the Tiger, which symbolizes resilience and strength and the purging of evil. I hadn't thought about that since the year began in January, and a lot has happened in the interim, but it gives me hope. I also hope you are successful in obtaining the badges for the Old Farmer.
Poor Sophie, she does look perplexed in that first photo, but fortunately her tour of the garden seems to have put her world to rights! Curly croissant ends could possibly make this the start of another best day ever! Gale force winds here too overnight, but I haven't yet been out to see what damage may have been done. Our weather pattern seems to be one or two days of sunshine, followed by a week or more of heavy rain and high winds. We're just gearing up for the latter - again.
Nothing is impossible with the old Mercedes as Mecedes around the world have a grill badge reward offer (perhaps get the old farmer to apply) for Mercs over 155,000 miles, with various extra badges up to to 1,000,000 miles. Their highest confirmed vechile so far has 2.8 million miles!
Thank you for the link. I'll e-mail Stuttgart later today. Your idea would bring him great happiness.
It was something done in the past, hopefully still going so he may qualify for more than one badge.
Peonies, tulips, and now the wisteria coming into flower. How I love spring in the ROF garden. And how I wish that Nobby too was sound asleep at 5:30 am...
Your description of the year as moving recklessly reminded me of the Chinese Zodiac, where the Year of the Boar is supposed to be marked by recklessness. The Boar is the last year in the twelve-year cycle, and he is racing towards the end. Fortunately (I hope), this is the Year of the Tiger, which symbolizes resilience and strength and the purging of evil. I hadn't thought about that since the year began in January, and a lot has happened in the interim, but it gives me hope. I also hope you are successful in obtaining the badges for the Old Farmer.
Poor Sophie, she does look perplexed in that first photo, but fortunately her tour of the garden seems to have put her world to rights! Curly croissant ends could possibly make this the start of another best day ever!
Gale force winds here too overnight, but I haven't yet been out to see what damage may have been done. Our weather pattern seems to be one or two days of sunshine, followed by a week or more of heavy rain and high winds. We're just gearing up for the latter - again.
I was up at that unreasonable hour of the morning today, Sophie is right.
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