Sunday, August 18, 2024


More hints of autumn. The sun not rising until well after five. The endless light of a northern summer slowly fading. This morning it's bright but cold. The farmer is out  with his combine harvesting the field down by the heron pond. Out on the horizon a large gin palace of a cruise liner drifts slowly by. It's on its way to Tromso. When the ship last passed by it was hot and sunny and the passengers could have imagined they were in the Caribbean.  This mornings passengers aren't going to make that mistake. 

The Californian ladies at the golf tournament are here in force. Private jets were flying into Dundee airport all day on Saturday - Gulfstreams for the big teams, Learjets for the smaller ones. We stand in the garden and watch them. The last wee house before Denmark seems to be a marker for the pilots to lower their undercarriages on final approach. The tournament had practice rounds yesterday afternoon and the event kicks off in earnest today. 1st prize is $7.3 million. We will avoid going into town for the next week, The place is PACKED.

A lobster fisherman comes back into harbour. He's followed in by an enormous flock of hungry gulls. There is 'robust' demand for lobster during golf tournaments.

Bean to cup coffee makes an appearance at a small cafe by the harbour. 'Cafe' is perhaps too strong a word. It's a house and someone is selling ice creams and beverages from a ground floor window. This is a very sensible approach to monetizing their location on the waters edge.  I wonder how many Affogato's they sell. Perhaps the European tourists are keen on them ?

At the farm shop mushrooms reappear . Earlier in the week they ran out.

Armagnac and prune ice cream :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Brodie's granny is an enterprising lady... And the article says that yet again humans have corrupted nature...YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

Armagnac and prune ice cream. A posh version of rum and raisin?
Apparently golf clubs in the Aberdeen area are experiencing tough times - a combination of less money from corporate events and the fact that you no longer need to join a club to get a handicap. (The things you learn when out cycling with a ladies golf champion from the 1980s!)
Cheers, Gail.

Travel said...

I lived that far north of Orlando International for about a decade, Count the wheels as they go overhead.

William Schmitt said...

Worth the line, superb ice creams and sorbets.

Gemma's person said...

I hope you are able to take advantage of the produce/mushrooms. That one of you is a good cook?

Diaday said...

Lucky you, you're still getting strawberries. Again, all that produce looks so fresh and delicious. I imagined another meal made with all those beautiful veggies.

Coppa's girl said...

Armgnac and prune ice cream? Oh dear, I still have an abiding horror of prunes from my childhood!
Talk of daylight at 5 a.m. makes me envious. It doesn't get light until 7 a.m. now, which means it's a rush to get the early morning dog walk in before the thermometer soars up to 30+ÂșC. It's the hottest it's ever been.

Jim Davis said...

Which tournament is this?

Amanda said...

It's not just monkeys like a wee nip. My parents had a wild cherry tree in their back yard. Fruit was far too bitter for humans, but when it got a bit over-ripe, the cherries would ferment and the grackles would descend. They'd literally stagger around the back yard, some some so drunk they'd wind up on their backs, trying to fly. If we'd had twitter in those days, we'd have had viral videos.

Jake of Florida said...

So we saw the first TV ad for the St. Andrews golf tournament next weekend. Looks like we will be there virtually!

rottrover said...

Honey, I'm taking the G-7 over to St. Andrews for the tournament. See you when I get back!